MFA Thesis Exhibition 2022
March 31st - April 23rd
Eric Clift
Lisa Di Giacomo
Jalisa Howard
Nicholas Johnson
Haley Sipsock
Kelsey Moore
Joshua L. Morgan
Carmen Ostermann
Casey Rae Reeves
Shavan Smallwood
Mia Isobel Smith
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Link to online exhibition catalog
All descriptions are organized from left to right.
Photographs by: Jake Holler
Kelsey Moore
I Won’t do Stupid Shit just to Feel Something
Haley Sipsock (Foreground)
Do You Want to Feel My Lump?
Jalisa Howard
Ain't Nothing Dreadful About It
Casey Reeves
Banana Handbag
Casey Reeves
Banana Handbag
Nicholas Johnson
I wish we could..
I wish I didn’t…
I wish you were…
I wish you could…
Mia Isobel Smith (wall)
Steady Hands
Haley Sipsock
Do You Want to Feel My Lump?
Kelsey Moore
I Won’t do Stupid Shit just to Feel Something
Lisa Giacomo
Rain, Rain
Glory Box
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang (background)
Nicholas Johnson
Self-portrait of a Caretaker
Mia Isobel Smith
Something Worth Saving
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Carmen Ostermann
Glow-throated Hummingbird Selasphorus ardens
Haley Sipsock
It’s not there, but it was, but it isn’t now, but I should still check, just in case
Joshua Morgan (background)
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Carmen Ostermann
Ecological Succession
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Lisa Giacomo
Thank God I Have Enough Guns
Joshua Morgan
I Know it’s crazy walking wires, if it’s falling let it fall. Nothing lasts forever, when it all falls down build it better.
Casey Reeves
Banana Dress
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Jalisa Howard
The Little Things
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Jalisa Howard
The Little Things
Haley Sipsock
It’s not there, but it was, but it isn’t now, but I should still check, just in case
Mia Isobel Smith
Taken for Granted
Haley Sipsock
Internally Screwed
It's Just a Scar Now
New Beginnings
Nicholas Johnson
On my way!
What I Would Have Said
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Mia Isobel Smith
What I Must Look Like in the Shower (wall)
Something Worth Saving
Nicholas Johnson
Self-portrait of a Caretaker
Carmen Ostermann (background wall)
An·thro·po·cene Ex·tinc·tion /ˈanTHrəpəˌsēn ikˈstiNG(k)SH(ə)n/
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Shavan Smallwood
Community Threads
Casey Reeves
Banana Dress
Nicholas Johnson
What did you pack?
Nicholas Johnson
What did you pack?
Joshua Morgan
I Know it’s crazy walking wires, if it’s falling let it fall. Nothing lasts forever, when it all falls down build it better.
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Lisa Giacomo
Thank God I Have Enough Guns
When I Think of You, I Think of Cracker Jack
Big Fish Little Pond
Rain, Rain
Glory Box
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Haley Sipsock (wall)
Internally Screwed
It's Just a Scar Now
New Beginnings
Jalisa Howard
nothing even matters
Carmen Ostermann (Foreground)
Ecological Succession
Joshua Morgan
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Kelsey Moore (wall)
Fog in the City
The Lincoln
New Life
Sunset Painting
Carmen Ostermann
Ecological Succession
Red-crowned Cranes Grus japonensis
Yuqi (Crystal) Zhang
Nicholas Johnson (doorway)
Self-portrait of a Caretaker
Mia Isobel Smith
Something Worth Saving
Eric Clift (projection)