Jon Lomberg

Jon Lomberg is one of the foremost interpreters of astronomy to the public. His 25 year partnership with Carl Sagan produced some of the most important science inspired art of our time.

Among his many awards is the honor of having asteroid 6996 officially named Asteroid Lomberg by the International Astronautical Union. Designer of NASA’s legendary Voyager Interstellar Record, Humanity’s self-portrait launched on a billion year voyage EMMY Award winning work as Chief Artist for the TV series COSMOS, which premiered in 1981 and is still being rebroadcast today.

Designer of the animated opening of the movie CONTACT, selected as one of the 100 Best Movie Openings of All Time Creator of the Galaxy Garden in Hawaii.

Earth’s first large-scale walk-through model of the Milky Way Galaxy is based on Lomberg’s “Portrait of the Milky Way” mural for the National Air and Space Museum in Wash.

DC Jon Lomberg’s artwork is on 4 spacecraft on Mars and 2 beyond Pluto.


Lisa Jarrett


Dr. Hans Klompen